
"Life is only real game we ever play.
Don't sabotage your highscore by learning wrong rules.
Craft thy own - Art thine wilst."
~ref #TBTIRT on twitter

Homepage N1Xweb Core

Preamble to N1Xweb

This website is really dear to me brains ye soul, and immitatively, is infinite, without boundaries. If you can still read this, and my basement servers are still up and running, feel free to dive into my unfinite unrealities. For obvious reasons, there is no direct hyperlinking. You will only be served iff you know already what you're looking for (sorry, but flies stay off this way).



  The N1Xweb project is a self organization endeavor by me, Nikhil, to keep intact all the time and experiences I garner throughout my life. It cherishes knowledge and passion, and reflects upon my character and core values. It's more of a portal to embellish my zeals and notoriety, let alone fascination.        


Find intriguing articles and reads lying around the site (subsites?)
Now !!

# Optimization by technology Goto O.N1X!
# Linux Reviews shell-- LI.N1X!
# Undergraduate coursework at VIT University Launch 14BME0133 
# Sound Engineering Listen on SO.N1X!
# EiVA (Embedded In-Vehicle Applications) Goto EiVA !
# Curri Vitae Goto LinkedIn.com

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Have something interesting to share? Just shoot an email to "hello@N1X.website" for support and we’ll figure it out.


Thanks being wanderer # N1Xcounter_www.N1X.website+1